The official name of the foundation is PEAAGOF: “PEAA Gospel Foundation” as adapted in the domain name. PEAA = Peter, Esther Ayerakwa & Associates.
Meaning and Rationale:
PEAAGOF, as the name indicates is a Gospel Foundation aimed at preserving and passing on New Testament Type Apostolic Doctrine and Practice in our generation and beyond. This is particularly in keeping with preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ. The purpose of this foundation is to avoid losing passion for the revelation of the mystery of the Gospel (Jesus Christ and Him Crucified; the message of His death, burial and resurrection – 1 Cor. 2:1-6; 15:3-5) as central to the Biblical faith unfolded in the mysteries of God (1 Cor. 4:1, 2) which are all rooted in the knowledge of the only one true and living God, the triune Godhead or Trinity (as the mystery of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit revealed) (Col. 2:2, 3; 2 Pet. 1:1, 2). Indeed, any loss of Gospel Passion, at any time, from Pentecost until the return of Jesus Christ, is likely to develop “another Gospel” and hence create generational Gospel Faith Gap or Entropy (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:1-11; 2:16-21; 28:30, 31; 2 Cor. 11:1-4; Gal. 1:6-9).
I am particularly aware that from its earliest inception since the days of Peter and Paul, the Church has been plagued by not only divisions and factions (the type of the Paul, Apollos, Peter and Jesus group-denominational trends) resulting from Doctrine, Practice and human Personality factors but also by calculated false teaching all intended to disturb the unity of the Church (Jn. 17:19-26), especially unity of the Spirit and the faith (1 Cor. 1:4-13 v. 10; Eph. 4:3, 13; Phil. 2:2; 2 Pet. 1:1-11 v. 1). Besides, John well informs us through the seven (7) Churches in Asia Minor (Rev. 2; 3) drawing attention to the need to be vigilant concerning the gospel and the faith due to insurgence of false teachers, preachers, prophets, and apostles (Matt. 24:8, 11; Acts 20:28-30; Phil. 3:2: 2 Pet. 2:1, 2, 16-21; Jd. 1:4-19). There is hence the call to transfer effectively the Gospel and the common authentic faith generationally and globally in a national context to ensure Biblical balance in both character and charisma among believers as we approach the end of the Church Age (2 Tim. 1:3-14; 2:2; 2 Pet. 1:1-21).
This is made possible as we, Apostle Peter and Mrs. Esther Ayerakwa (Rtd.), through the Holy Spirit (with colleagues, family members, friends and other Christians or Church Associates), having obtained the handed down common Christian Faith from the Lord, the Bible, credible written or oral sources and mentors around the globe, sincerely packaged over 45 years, desire also to preserve and pass on same to mentees and disciples as transferable concepts with Gospel Passion and Kingdom Mentality. Such Kingdom Mentality is the three pronged - “’Holy-Fire’ Mentality, ‘Abundance’ Mentality and ‘Rapture’ Mentality”.
The Gospel Passion is rooted in Peter Ayerakwa’s conversion experience from the vivid night vision encounters in 1971 and 1972 of the brightness of the Return of the Lord Jesus with His Saints. The visions first captured aspects of Revelation Chapters Six (6) and Nineteen (19), which in the Bible literally cover the period (that marks the beginning and closure) of the (Great) Tribulation or the great and terrible day of the Lord. The clear message was that real faith in Jesus produces His same kind of kingdom holiness and glory in all glorified believers. We believe that ‘the Past has been His-story while the Present and Future are His Message.
PEAAGOF – Peter, Esther Ayerakwa & Associates Gospel Foundation is purely a site aimed at packaging Rapture-minded transferable Gospel cum Church Development resources from published and unpublished materials written and compiled by us and credible men and women of God. The vision was incubated a long while in 1992 in Singapore at the Haggai Institute for Advancing Leadership Skills, profoundly reconsidered in 2008 in Australia but birthed after retirement from active Church Ministry in 2014 in Ghana.
Mission Statement:
- To Pursue, Preserve and Pass on Truths with Gospel Passion and Kingdom Mentality (Matt. 28:18-20 cf. Rev. 6-19 see vv. 6:9-17; 9:20, 21; 10:5-11; 11:15; 12:17; 22:11, 17).
Vision Statement:
- Seeing the Kingdom of God established in people groups globally who, portraying Christ-like character and charisma are well prepared and ready for Christ’s Second Coming to receive glorified bodies, eternal rewards and to be with God, eternally worshipping and serving Him. Thus, living, learning, loving, and leaving a legacy of the Gospel and Kingdom Truths in the fear of the Lord and humility for succeeding generations.
Purpose Statements:
- To bring hope and meaning to humanity through the gospel, fostering both the unity of the Spirit and the common Faith until the Rapture with the same Power and Kingdom ‘Holy-Fire’ Mentality (Lk. 24:44-49; Acts 1:1-8; 5:29-32; 28:30, 31; 1 Thess. 1:5-7; 2:8-14; Col. 1:3-11);
- To network with like-minded Persons, Groups, Churches and Para-Church Groups towards world evangelization; to achieve total obedience to the two Great Commandments according to Matt. 22:37-39 and total fulfillment of the Great Commission per Matt. 28:18-20; Mk. 16:15-18 in our life-time with Kingdom ‘Rapture’ Mentality (Acts 2:16-21; Col. 1:12-29; 1 Thess. 1:9, 10; 4:13-18);
- To live humbly, love mercy and do justice while demonstrating the power of the Holy Spirit in God's Kingdom business (Mic. 6:8; Matt. 28:18-20); through sustained passionate Evangelism and Christian discipleship or education at all cost towards holistic healthy growth and development in the body of Christ with Kingdom ‘Abundance’ Mentality (Lk. 5:1-11; Acts 1:1-8; 5:29-32; Eph. 4:11-13; Col. 2:1-7).
My Life’s Journey:
My journey in life as a Christian began from childhood with very humble beginnings in a devout Catholic parental home in a remote idolatrous village, Asankran Oda in the Western Region of Ghana, West Africa since 1949. At an early age of four and half, I attended a Methodist School where I learnt about Methodism. Between ages 12 and 15, I lived with guardians some of whom were adherents of The Church of Pentecost in Asankrangwa. Around my fifteenth birthday, in or about 1964, I started my secondary school education and was introduced to the Baptist thought at the Scripture Union. I also gained some Presbyterian liking from my Headmaster at the Asankrangwa Secondary School, who was a Presbyterian. Prior to this time, I came into contact with an uncle who had become an adherent of Islam but also practiced the Koranic, herbal fetish ('ism'). All this while, I was looking great morally but inwardly and spiritually, I was very empty, sinful and devastated. This is because, though very sincere in thinking all was approved by the true and living God, my religious worldview had become unacceptable to Him. It was a kind of religious syncretism that embraced everything like the tolerance philosophy held by today’s New Age Movement. I did not understand Biblical Holiness and Righteousness. I was not born again and therefore not Heaven bound. Hence, I was merely acting very religious, a good chorister and pious church-goer with no demonstrable saving faith in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and no kingdom power from the Holy Spirit.
In or about 1971, I gained admission into the University of Ghana, Legon in Accra, Ghana to pursue a course in Agriculture. About three weeks after my enrolment, I intuitively abandoned my course and enrolled at the University of Science and Technology (as it then was) in Kumasi in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, to study Mathematics. Whilst at the University, I joined the Christian Fellowship of one of the University's traditional halls of residence known as Independence Hall. Up until then, since I was entrenched in my staunch Catholic faith but with the additional religious enlightenment, the world of faith was very hazy. However, I longed deeply for the Truth! I did not know how to handle demonic activity and religious and doctrinal deception. Issues of lust and lying were a normal trait of my life although I was a reserved social gentleman. I also accepted herbal levels of fetishism having witnessed rampant activities of dwarfs and other demons from childhood. Furthermore, I thought the practice of religious syncretism was acceptable to God. What a shame! Nonetheless, the Lord of all grace was still prodding on my heart’s door. All glory and honour to Jesus!
My current knowledge and belief as views about God, salvation and doctrine of baptisms may be traced to a point in or about October 1971, when the Lord in a night vision revealed Himself to me, showing the brightness of the glory at His return with His glorified saints. The glory of Jesus with saints in sparkling white on one side (Rev. 19:11-16) and lots of pictures of those fleeing from His glory as depicted in Revelation 6:15-17 were vividly seen. At that moment, I realised that Christianity and going to heaven are not about being either morally upright or even highly religious or baptized in a Church but only through experiencing the glory of God that is vested in the Lord Jesus Christ! In or about October 1972, the night vision was repeated with intensity. I dare say that it could compare to some of the experiences recorded in the Bible like that of Abraham (Acts 7:1, 2); Peter, James and John (Matt. 17:1-9); Paul (Acts 9:1-8) and others. Indeed, these two experiences have left an indelible mark in my heart to date as a glimpse of the entire panorama of Revelation 6-19. I desired to merit this glory of the Raptured saints, to join them and then always be with the Lord Jesus. And I was fully determined that nothing would keep me from this; what amazing and awesome GRACE to me!
My Christian Thought and Worldview:
The Lord Jesus first apprehended me to a life and ministry with true holiness as the only means of attaining the Rapture and the Return with His saints at His Imminent Second Coming. This started immediately I saw the glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ with His saints in the night vision in October 1971 which was repeated in October 1972. Also from this time onwards the reading and studying of the Bible and praying became a habit, while additionally the reading of varied Christian literature became a hobby. Later, I discovered the doctrinal and practical essence of the “day of Pentecost” together with the “subsequent Holy Spirit coming or falling upon” occurrences in the open-ended book of Acts which led at that time to the believers’ practical experiences in Water Baptism by immersion and their receiving of the promised Holy Spirit. I became convinced that New Birth from above by the Holy Spirit (as the Spirit of God) through faith in Christ must always precede Water Baptism; and then also followed with the subsequent power encounter from the receiving of the promised Holy Spirit (see Acts 1:4-8; 2:38, 39; 5:29-32; 8:12-20; 9:12-20; 15:6-11; 19:1-7; Eph. 1:3-14). Such must be the norm for all true Christian believers towards the formation of the true Church, rightly called the body of Christ which is made up of saints i.e. persons of Christ-like ‘Character’ and ‘Charisma’. Believers must be full of love and gifts or purity and power (see Matt. 5:1-20; 1 Cor. 12:1-11, 28-14:1).
I became convinced also from Peter’s response on the day of Pentecost that two major patterns of spirituality will run concurrently in the entire Church Age in every generation. Revival and Apostasy will be happening soon after Pentecost through to the Rapture, until ‘the great and terrible day of the Lord’ as stated clearly in Acts 2:16-21.
They are explained through Paul as follows (2 Thess. 2:1-12):
- Holy Spirit-led Revival Church to be Raptured by the Lord; together with
- Church-going as mere Religion with Sects formation by even pious people but who not fully submitting to the Lordship of Jesus, will pave the way for the formation of the Apostate Church for the revealing of the up-coming Anti-Christ.
It is apparent from the unfolding of Church history and into her Rapture that the present-day DISTINCT DENOMINATIONAL STREAMS will flow together as ONE HOLY, CATHOLIC (UNIVERSAL), APOSTOLIC CHURCH while also creating within it a platform for the formation of the END-TIME APOSTATE CHURCH through absorption of syncretistic (devilish and humanistic) beliefs. Thus, while God’s kingdom work in fulfilling the Mission of Christ and the Holy Spirit goes on in all Churches by the saving and maturing of Saints (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:1-11; 28:28-31; Eph. 4:1-16), Satan’s work will also be permitted on earth (Acts 20:20-32; 2 Tim. 4:1-7) until the up-coming eschatological great and terrible day of the Lord (Matt. 13:24-30; Acts 2:16-21). Jesus Himself taught this in the parable of the wheat and tares as part of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven on earth (Matt. 13:24-30).
Be that as it may, I realized that God was already divinely doing this within the various denominational streams of Christendom as symbolized by the seven Churches of Asia Minor in Revelation 2 and 3. As a result, one may not find a perfect Church outwardly in this present day.
The true Church, the body of Christ, remains an Organism comprising all true disciples living on Earth who have believed and become committed to the GOSPEL for obedience to the faith. Such believers naturally are members within the Local Congregations of the various Church Organizations or Denominations!
Under the foregoing, I have acquired knowledge concerning all major streams of Christian faith, with basics about African thought concepts of religion such as fetishism, dwarfs, powers of river gods, witchcraft, etc, on one hand; Islam, Judaism and Hinduism (from my travels, associations in life and ministry including India) on another; and Western thought as well as Australian beliefs about reality of life, yet on another.
In all these phases of life, amidst the somewhat seemingly hopelessness in our attitudes as Christians unto the end of the Age, I have witnessed the hand of the Lord building His Church by saving, delivering, healing, justifying, sanctifying, empowering and making multitudes of disciples in our Global Village per Matt. 16:16-19; 28:18-20; Acts 16-21, 38-47; 9:31; 15:6-11; Rom. 1:16, 17; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; Eph. 3:1-10, 14-19; 4:7-16; and 1 Pet. 2:1-10. (Indeed, countless have become obedient to faith in His commands and promises by the power of His Spirit and Gospel – Rom. 16:25-27)!
Full-time Pastoral Work:
In 1979 while on study leave to become a permanent professional educationist at the Cape Coast University in the Central Region of Ghana, God literally apprehended me to be the first post-graduate full-time Minister of The Church of Pentecost. He also gave me five specific assignments to follow through while being engaged in pastoral ministry in this unique End-Time denominational stream in Christendom.
The first of these which forms the basis for this GOSPEL FOUNDATION was my mandate on the night of my first divine visitation from the Lord. From biblical assertions, it has direct bearing on all of Christendom and basically undergirds everything else in Church and Para-Church or any kind of the Ministry’s healthy Growth and Development. It is paraphrased as follows: “To pursue, preserve and pass on the unadulterated ‘Sound New Testament Apostolic Doctrine and Practice’, that major on the pure, simple gospel (Christ’s death, burial and resurrection) as the central message of the kingdom and the teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ; who being the Son of the living God but becoming the Perfect and Ideal Man, the only God-Man has now after His vicarious death become ‘the only Saviour, Healer, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit and Returning or Soon Coming King’.”
Kingdom mentality
Believers must always maintain Kingdom Mentality through allowing the Holy Spirit, as the divine advocate with us, to first deal with unholy fires of the human (sin) nature and to shape us in the three key areas of heart and mental attitudes for effectiveness in Christian living and business (2 Tim. 1:3-7; 2 Pet. 1:1-11): i) Holy-fire Mentality ii) Abundance Mentality and iii) Rapture Mentality.
We must be able to deal ruthlessly and effectively with our concept of spirituality that is now gripped by the global village mentality attitudes of our day, with Biblical pattern of life, to truly lay hold of eternal life (1 Tim. 6:11-21 vv. 11, 19; 1 Jn. 5:18-21 v. 20). Namely: a) completion-ism i. e. seeking of completeness outside Christ, b) consumer-ism i. e. greed, materialism and poor concept and then also wicked, unfaithful stewardship of material gain and c) celebrity-ism i. e. honouring only adjudged celebrities or stars but by mere human standards of achievement or performance; not necessarily by divine approval.
The “’Holy-fire’ Mentality” (rooted in our holy calling, 2 Tim. 1:9) informs us of God’s holiness and glory; supplying us the fear of the Lord and humility to find fullness and fulfilment in the unshakable kingdom of Jesus (Heb. 12:22-29 v. 27). Thus, believers in Christ would be able to deal with unholy-fires of unrighteousness and vehemently also resist the danger of Completion-ism which is the sin of regarding Salvation and life as incomplete in Christ alone. Hence promoting the seeking for additional outside help as add-ons by believers to their eternal Salvation provided in Christ (Matt. 4:4-10; Jn. 10:10; 1 Jn. 5: 18-21). Yet, the truth is believers are complete in Christ alone (Col. 2:9, 10)!
The “’Abundance’ Mentality” (rooted in our heavenly calling, Heb. 3:1) informs us that God’s supply is supernatural, spiritual, superabundant, inexhaustible and more than enough, to deal with human “Scarcity Mentality” amidst the evils or stains of Consumer-ism in the post-modern affluent world and yet plagued by corruption or crookedness, violence, wickedness, selfishness and materialism (Matt. 4:4-10; 6:24-33; 24:37-51; Lk. 5:1-10; 12:5-21; 1 Tim. 6:6-21; see also the faith-lifestyle of Abraham in Gen. 14:13-24).
The “’Rapture’ Mentality” (rooted in our high calling, Phil. 3:14) informs us that God’s home is heaven; and like Enoch or Paul, all true believers in Christ must desire to go home anytime, anywhere as we by faith gaze at His glorious appearing to avoid the evils of Celebrity-ism which is the sin that honours and rewards the so-adjudged stars or celebrities by human judgment and standards of this crooked world (Matt. 24:37-51; Acts 2:40, 41). Hitherto, social norms are the desired standards but not by divine approval of the faithful who bear His stigma or marks in their generation as exemplified in the Bible by Enoch and Paul (Gen. 5:18-24; Heb. 11:5, 6; Jd. 1:14) and Paul (Gal. 6:15-17; Phil. 3:3-21; 2 Tim. 4:1-8; 1 Thess. 4:13-5:9; 2 Thess. 2:1-17).
Additionally, we need also be reminded regularly that the Christian faith is a calling by the triune God to Himself through an intermarriage of grace and faith based on the finished work of Christ Jesus on Earth through the gospel (1 Cor. 4:14, 15); and that such calling to life, immortality, godliness, glory and kingdom (1 Thess. 2:12; 2 Tim. 1:8-11; 2 Pet. 1:3, 4) is also both impartial (1 Cor. 1:26) and sure (Rom. 11:29; 2 Tim. 2:19).
Over 45 years now and particularly in the 35 years of active full time pastoral ministry, I diligently worked at this assignment from the Lord.
Esther and I have also by His grace gone through all shades of trials in life and ministry, including a near fatal INFERNO of our residence on 28th October 1998. This trial was like drinking a cup of suffering and then a baptism of suffering experience for the sake of the gospel (Matt. 20:22, 23; Phil. 1:29). I had just returned from a visit to India and was on ministry trips that fateful day! Notably, I had taken ill almost to the point of death earlier in the same year, after Easter heavy duty pastoral assignments!! A friend in the Lord, Pastor John Waller of the Elim Pentecostal Churches in the United Kingdom who was then in Ghana and saw the scene commented solemnly, “this is a modern-day Job experience, the Lord will reward you”.
The ardor or passion presently is to place transferable concepts at the disposal of ready end-time soldiers of the CROSS. These concepts got incubated in 1992 after my Haggai Institute training. In addition to that, having come to the fourth level of leadership it behooves me now not only to transfer concepts but see to it that people have been mantled with double, triple or more and more portions of the anointing while waiting, watching, and still working until Christ’s glorious return. These days are comparable to the days of Noah and Lot! It is intended that the godly heritage from Esther and I, our mentors, friends, and colleagues which the Lord has enabled us to keep in notes, tapes, etc, are publicized in fulfillment of the end-time generational transfer of passing on VALUES as tested PRECEPTS and PRINCIPLES in order to avoid “generational gospel entropy or gap”.
As part of my training, I attended Haggai Institute – Singapore 1992; Azusa Pacific University in Los Angeles (modular courses) – United States of America, Canada Christian College–Toronto Canada; have had direct associations with and learnt from all great endowed Christian men and women across the globe since 1971, associated with and learnt from all great Churches and Ministries in Church history while dreaming and envisioning with those of contemporary times (such as AD 2000 and Beyond Movement through the Ghana Evangelism Committee, Great Commission Movement, Leadership Ministries International, World Discipleship Association, USA).
Blending the diverse Christian thoughts for enhancing divine Truths in line with my divine calling, and having studied formally as an Applied Mathematical and then Social Scientist, I have also severally participated in numerous African and World Conferences for Christian Leaders– Pentecostal, Charismatic, Evangelical, Church Growth, Leadership Training, etc. Additionally, I have also attended numerous Para-Church conferences in Africa and globally, on World Evangelization e.g. ICCOWE 1991 Brighton-UK and GCOWE 1995 in Seoul-South Korea. Morris Cerullo Conferences in the USA, Nigeria and Ghana; Reinhardt Bonnke Fire Conferences in Africa; Billy Graham Conferences; International Church Growth Conference in Seoul-South Korea and Global Leadership Summit in Chicago, USA. Interestingly, Esther and I prophetically wrote our names in Israeli records in Jerusalem at the 1995 Celebrate Messiah World Conference. Presently, I receive a daily up-date on God’s dealings in Israel through Israel Today. Over the years, I have acquired skills to discern biblical truth from varieties of sources for defining biblical reality through other sermons, books, etc. and still read valuable (recent and antique authored) books and magazines like IMPACT Magazine - Singapore.
My wife, Esther was in the meantime being groomed in a typical Pentecostal environment in Konongo-Odumase in the Ashanti Region of Ghana since 1953. Equally, she had streams of Methodism from school and Presbyterian thought from her father who acquired this thought link by birth. As a student, she joined the Scripture Union at the Konongo-Odumase Secondary School and later the Effia-Nkwanta Nursing Training College in the Western Region of Ghana where she was training as a State Registered Nurse. Again, as a student at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra, Ghana whilst undertaking a professional course in Midwifery, she actively participated in the institution’s Christian Fellowship.
Since August 1983, she has been my partner in Ministry epitomizing the ministry of Aquila and Priscilla; for just before our marriage, she had a clarion call and word from the Lord to show forth His praises in 1 Pet. 2:9, 10.
Indeed, before our marriage in 1983, the Lord confirmed her Ministry as an “Apostle” in a revelation. Now, I know from 1 Cor. 12:28-31 and during our ministerial postings, particularly as Missionary to Australia in 2005/6, that we served the Lord together as two Apostles of the Church.
She similarly has gone through most of the training in pastoral leadership and World Conferences with me, including attendance at Haggai Institute-Singapore and Canada Christian College.
Esther and I are still very good learners but have always considered everything we have seen, heard, received, learned and gone through in life’s journey as transferable concepts for impacting generations for Christ (Gen. 6:9, 10; 18:18, 19; Ps. 78:2-7, 70-72; 89:20-52; Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 13:24-43; 2 Tim. 1:3-7; 2:2; 1 Jn. 1:1-3). Our only burden is networking with you by packaging, repackaging, and making readily accessible these rich biblical precepts and principles a legacy to all with Kingdom Holy Fire, Abundance and Rapture Mentality. We must constantly remind everybody and especially believers that the Lord is calling His saints to glory and virtue in His everlasting kingdom (2 Pet. 1:1-11). So, like the aging Apostle Peter, this GOSPEL of the kingdom as proclamation about our Lord Jesus Christ must be the passion for life and ministry altruism (Matt. 24:14; 1 Cor. 2:1-5; 15:3-5; 2 Pet. 1:12-21; Rev. 14:6). The times of the Gentiles (Lk. 21:24) and the fullness of the Gentiles (Rom. 11:25) must be the witness or testimony of God and of Christ (Acts 2:16-21; see Acts 1:8; 5:32; 1 Cor. 1:6; 2:1; 2 Tim. 1:8; Rev. 1:2, 9; 6:9; 12:11, 17; 19:10).
Many of these materials may not be new but primarily prove our desire and calling to hold on to these biblical Truths and concepts that are needful in every generation. Our longing is to avoid the ‘generational gospel faith gap or entropy’ by keeping and passing on the essentials of our Common Faith (Col. 1:3-6; 1 Tim. 3:9, 16; Tit. 1:3-11; Jd. 1:3, 20-25).
We are currently based in Accra, Ghana but also operating from Australia and USA with our children and other Associates. Passionately, we are praying that His kingdom and glory will be revealed in and through you.